Thursday, August 24, 2006

I don't want to be a Girlfriend

Last week, while on a historic walking tour of Chinatown, I got a fortune cookie containing the following fortune:

"An unexpected relationship will soon become permanent."

Absolutely nothing in life is permanent, but this particular fortune tripped me out a little. There's a certain relationship in my life (which could definitely be described as unexpected) that has recently developed to the point where I find myself wondering, "Am I ready to be a Girlfriend again?"

Girlfriend. The word makes me cringe. It sounds so young and so casual, but at the same time it comes with all of these restrictions and behaviors. It's a role that hasn't always treated me well. I've noticed that being someone's Girlfriend immediately causes me to do all sorts of weird stuff like get jealous, do laundry, make dinners, grocery shop, and go through occasional episodes of pouting and nagging. Not fun. There's also a strong connection in my mind between being a Girlfriend and being taken for granted. Experience tells me that life is far less adventurous and exciting when I'm a Girlfriend. Obviously, I'd prefer to move forward without any of these potential side effects.

But there can be a lot of nice things about having a Boyfriend, if he's a good one. And sometimes you feel so strongly about someone that you really can't fight it, even if you know being his Girlfriend isn't going to be perfect.

Maybe I just need to come up with a different word.


Anonymous said...

if you find the right person, you won't even care about these things that you dread about being a 'girlfriend.' the right person brings out parts of you that you didn't realize were there and you enjoy them - even if they are things that initially, you didn't embrace or think you'd like to do. because with the right person you'll enjoy those activities regardless, because you're doing them with someone who means something to you.

Anonymous said...

and know you know.

{and knowing's half the battle.}

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahh Baldwin on earth are you single??

Anonymous said...

RB... you are overthinking again. I am going to have to flay you with a wet noodle.

RB said...

Poo, I'm not sure why you even bother to post under anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Lady-friend. HA!

Load said...

Baldy - I think brrriiittt still has your balls. They must have gotten lost in the move or something.