Monday, November 21, 2005

Stop shopping at J.Crew

This week's theme is "saying goodbye to things that I love."

It doesn't matter how cute the sweaters are, or that the chinos fit just right. We must stop shopping at J.Crew, because they've started sourcing fur from China for their fall line. Fur from dogs and cats. Now, I'm no vegetarian, but they don't have any laws regulating the fur industry in China, and I think that what this means is that they are pretty much skinning a puppies alive, sewing them to a hank of cashmere, and selling it to wear with your "winter suiting" for a mere $395.

Just say no! We can't let J.Crew turn us into Cruella Devil. We don't need to wear puppy fur -- we can all be perfectly okay with a nice knit scarf.


A puppy was bludgeoned to death so this woman could have "coyote fur" boob accents on her puffer jacket. She doesn't look so cute when you think about a bloody puppy with broken legs, does she? She looks evil and cruel. Frankly, the jacket isn't that cute anyway.

You can email J.Crew at to tell them just how disgusted you are with the company's new Chinese fur policy. You can also watch an extremely disturbing movie about the whole affair here.


Anonymous said...

i second that - there's no reason for the fur. especially j. pooh. j. pooh was suppose to be plain, simple, conservative with an element of young and fresh. pure. okay maybe not pure. but you get my drift. their models are natural beauties..and now they have coyote coats? where is their image going? down the poop shoot i say. yuck.

Anonymous said...

Damnit J Crew! You just erased 1/2 of the places I can buy work clothes. Screw you.

And screw your nasty "embroidered tiny things" line of chinos.

Anonymous said...

No kidding! Granted, I haven't shopped at the pooh for awhile - knowing I didn't need any madras jackets and pants with turtles on them. But it's true. I found many a classic item there. No more.
I just sent a very nasty letter to them. and it felt very good.

Anonymous said...

I stopped shopping at J Crew when I saw that they were selling suits for $600 and higher. I don't go around buying suits all the time or anything, but any catalog-based company that sells a $600 or $700 suit can go to hell. I could buy a suit for less than that at Nordstrom, and it wouldn't be made from Chinese catskin.

D. said...

No more JPoo for me. Furs are ugly anyways.