Monday, July 11, 2005

The power of technology

The Pond

Due to conflicting work schedules, my main-squeeze and I don't get to spend much time together. Calculus has compounded that problem this summer, by claiming my weekends. Thankfully, his new-fangled cell phone allows me to vicariously camp, BBQ, and toss back a few cold ones while I am actually stuck at home studying the properties of the mysterious number "e" and related matters. He sends photos directly to my email account. They come from his phone number (as opposed to his email address). It's kinda weird.

Here's a shot from last weekend. Ben cookin' up a mess of meat at The Pond (Clearlake). I'm sure Jeff was drunk, smoking five cigarettes, and wearing nothing but extra-tight, extra-short track shorts when he took this. Isn't technology wonderful? Now that Jeff got this fancy phone, we don't really ever need to see each other.

I hate calculus. There. I said it.


Anonymous said...

I want to go to Clearlake

RB said...

Me too... me too.