Sunday, June 19, 2005

No fun at all

Calculus makes no sense to me so far, mostly because I don't seem to have the attention span necessary to digest it. On Saturday we went over differentiability and continuity, the derivative of a composite function, higher derivatives, notations for derivatives, derivative as the rate of change, and the mechanical and economical meaning of the derivative. We have our first quiz on Wednesday. Thankfully, we're allowed to use notes.

I still can't get over the fact that there are two entirely separate systems of notation that are used interchangably. It's like having to learn two math languages to be able to do this stuff. I am not a calculus fan. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss statistics.


Anonymous said...


Let's get drinks and talk about calculus. It's a good math.

Turd Ferguson said...

Calculus isn't fun? This just in. Water is wet. Fire is hot.

RB said...

Hip E. thinks it's superfun. It's all I hear from him!